Mission, Vision & Values
Introducing New Life Churches
New Life Churches is a family of churches and ministries joined together by common values and an apostolic vision to see the Gospel of the Kingdom impact every ethnic group in every nation.
New Life Churches are evangelical Pentecostals. There is an emphasis on the Lordship and centrality of Jesus Christ, the work and power of the Holy Spirit, the authority of the Scriptures as the Word of God.
Each local church is self-governing but together we relate in interdependence as a family. Our churches have a variety of worship expressions, composition (multi-cultural and multi-generational) and missional activity both locally and internationally.
Our Mission
Advancing the Kingdom with Purpose and Passion
Our Core Values
1. Passion for God:
We are devoted to Christ, honouring Him above ministry and success, hungering for greater intimacy with the Father, encountering Him in worship, depending on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.
2. Prayer:
We are men and women who seek the face of God, and carry convictions that without this nothing of eternal significance will be achieved - knowing that He delights to reveal His will and His goodness, knowing His ways and thoughts are far above ours, knowing that our prayers are powerful and effective.
3. Integrity:
We are men and women of genuine character, authenticity and humility, providing a safe environment for life transformation in God's people
4. Family:
We are actively building loving relationships as we honour, inspire and encourage one another as family, friends and colleagues; leading by influence, example and inspiration.
5. Restoration Truth:
We are a prophetic movement, continuing to build on foundational theology and "restored truth". Perceiving, embracing and living the truth as God continues to bring revelation (is illuminating) to His church. It is expected that leaders will engage in ongoing training and study in aspects of theology.
6. Partnership:
We intentionally engage with other churches and movements at local, national and international levels to fulfill the Great Commission.
7. Mission:
We are focusing our churches through evangelism and discipling to reach all ethnic groups and sub-cultures in the nation and the nations. New leaders are raised, new churches are planted and the unreached are reached.
8. Kingdom:
We are committed to bring the life and resources of the Kingdom of Heaven to earth to release people from every influence of the kingdom of darkness.
9. Interdependence:
We are locally governed but relate in interdependence. Local church initiatives are encouraged as churches identify the best way to reach their communities. Regional and National structures exist to serve and empower pastors and to provide safety for church members.
Our Vision
We see a new generation of five-fold ascension gift ministries inspired, equipped and mentored to strategically plant evangelizing churches.
We see leaders growing relevant, missional churches in every city and town in our nation.
We see the love, presence and power of God demonstrated in a new release of healings and miracles.
We see a family of churches and leaders partnering in loving, empowering relationships, adding value to one another, honoured to be New Life, committed to be active Kingdom-minded believers.